Chateauvince Solitaires

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Refund and Returns Policy

  • Chateauvince Solitaires offers “No questions asked” 7 (seven) days return policy to every customer for product sold through the Website.
  • For all returns made by any Customer within such 7 (seven) days, Chateauvince Solitaires will directly refund to the Customer.
  • For returning the product customer have to inform Chateauvince Solitaires within 3 days from delivery date and Customer will arrange the shipping to the seller at their shipping cost.
  • If product is tampered or found used then return policy will not be applicable.
  • 10% of the product amount will be charged by Chateauvince Solitaires as processing charges and taxes on the product will not be returned.
  • Once the return goods are received by us and confirmed that it’s not tampered or used, after that amount will be refunded to the customer.
  • Return policies shall be applicable only for customers who make an online purchase for the Product through the Website. If any customer purchases any Product directly from our physical store, then this return policy shall not be applicable for such purchase.
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